When I came home from work today my wife suggested we walk over to the park (Wiener Prater). Although I was quite a bit tired I thought this would be a refreshing end to a busy day.
Also, it gave me the opportunity to take some pictures and maybe do a blog post about it. The result is what you are reading. It’s only a short post but since I haven’t posted in a while and my blog is a bit lacking in volume I thought it would motivate me to get some more content out.
Yesterday, I discovered the latest blogpost by Dave Powell who always inspires me to blog more but somehow I never get around to it. The trick is to just start. Dave has a wonderful blog called “shoottokyo” which I have been reading for a while now. Check it out here: www.shoottokyo.com
So let’s see what I got today.

When we walk over to the Wiener Prater there is a nice path going by some Tennis courts. I think Tennis season is coming to and but it is not completely over yet.

There are so many areas in the Wiener Prater that are so different. This part is just south of the Konstantinteich and I really like it.

A woman sitting on one of the many lawns enjoying a beautiful but cool evening.

There were many people out and about running today. The main road (Hauptallee) through the Prater is actually a popular running location.
All shots were taken with my Fuji X-T2 and 16mm f1.4 lens and edited in Lightroom. I applied the Acros film simulation and did some exposure and contrast corrections.
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